Week 5

This week we were asked to self reflect, as we began to move towards the end of our section on self leadership. First with an assignment to write our own eulogy. I found this a strange assignment and something I brushed off to begin with. While I do not have a proper eulogy written perhaps some things I would like to be remembered for at the end of my life:

A passion for travel, the outdoors and the ocean

A strong love for family

A dedicated, passionate person who was committed to giving her best at all endeavours 

A loyal, caring and supportive friend

I think that at the end of my life the things I want people to reflect on are the qualities I had as a person, not the job I did, but the way I lived my life. The qualities I listed above are things that I on some level already posses, and on some hope to in the future. The more I reflect on this assignment I understand the idea of how it forces us to look at what we want our lives in the end. In a way it is another form of goal setting I guess. 

Our second task was to reflect on the past four years and how we have changed. I have changed so much in the past four years, it sometimes shocks me. Although yes, I am still the same person on the inside my self confidence and self awareness has grown exponentially. At the start of my degree I really had no idea who I wanted to be, I was so shy and insecure I could barely answer a question in class, let alone do a presentation, now I feel I can do both fairly confidently. I have come to understand what I believe in, and am not ashamed to share that or put myself out there. I find it funny, how we come to school for an education, and although I will take with me certain skills and knowledge from classes, I think that is low on the list of what my degree has given me. 

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